
Meet The Team & Supporters

Angelo Munsel 

ABMC Logo Former Superintendent of Brookwood American Military Cemetery now Retired
Angelo now lives in Italy perhaps his first love. His keen interest & support of the project continues.
This video was created for Veterans Day 2020 and all who could not attend because of the pandemic. It provides context as Angelo introduces himself and the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC). Angelo takes us through the 'Ceremony'.
On the day there were two guests from the Embassy of the United States of America (London). Brigadier General Jefferson J. O'Donnell & Mrs Susan O'Donnell placed a wreath on behalf of the Embassy and all those who would usually do so.
The video inspired & researched by Angelo shows the faces of many of those commememorated at Brookwood. These are the faces of the men at Brookwood whom Gold Star Mothers, Widows & Families mourned and part of the inspiration for Through The Void.



And here, in near full size are the 564 names inscribed on the Chapel Walls.
And here the 18 stained glass windows of the Chapel each showing insignia of a branch of the Expeditionary Force.
The Chapel was dedicated in 1937.