
Graphic Novel 

Here, Fran DeComyn portrays in this draft the statue as it may appear in the non-fiction graphic novel Through The Void. The image shows also where it may be exhibited next to the Gold Star Mothers Room at Brookwood cemetery. Fran is avidly reading and researching some of the stories of individual pilgrimages to inform the 'novel'.
Some of Frans early discoveries e.g. about the visits to the Brookwood American Military Cemetery of Essie Fogle, Winifred Cornell, Ada Norton and Pamela Simmons are here.
The term 'graphic novel' is now a broad term covering illustrated fiction, non-fiction & anthologies. It is distinct from the genre of American comic books founded in 1933.
The statue is not a fixed installation & may 'visit' other venues, possibly those on the 'pilgrims pathway' to tell this story.

imageThe story of the Gold Star Mothers is integral to the earlier years of the American Battle Monuments Commission, founded in 1923 & the last years of US War Department responsibility for war graves before their transfer to the remit of the ABMC in 1934.